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How to Become a Morning Person: Valuable Tips

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By Oyedele Feranmi - - 5 Mins Read
Elderly man taking a morning jog along a street
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Are you one of those wondering why there is so much fuss about being a morning person? There are at least two whole books written about it, and you may be trsying to understand the reason behind such publicity. Well, here is it, "morning people" enjoy better health, which leads to better finances, higher productivity, longer life expectancy, and higher levels of happiness and life satisfaction.

Of course, changing your circadian rhythm and adjusting to a morning routine may not be the easiest task, but with the right set of systems and tools, it will be a walk in the park. 

Regardless of how difficult it is for you to rise and shine each morning, by following the methods enumerated below, you are well on your way to becoming a morning person.

  1. Reduce your Screen Time

If you want to become more of a morning person, cutting down on screen time is essential. One way to do this is to regulate your phone usage. This easy adjustment will guarantee better sleep and help yank you out of bed in the morning. 

To get yourself started on a morning lifestyle, learning when to put your phone down is the first step.

  1. Eat Early Dinners

Since staying up late is second nature to many night owls, eating supper later in the day is also a common practice for them. They tend to savor their meals without any hurry. In becoming a person who wakes up early in the morning, changing when you eat will definitely go a long way. 

One way to ease into this new schedule is to eat supper early, perhaps three to four hours before bedtime. By making this change, you may get your body and digestive system ready for sleep without putting undue strain on either. 

  1. Shift Your Bedtime

Getting into the habit of going to bed early is one of the ways to become a morning person. The question is, how? Start counting backwards from the moment your alarm goes off (or when you would want it to go off) and try to get seven or nine hours of sleep each night. At some point, it will replace your current desired bedtime. 

Gradually adjusting your sleep schedule is crucial. Make it a habit to turn in for the night at least fifteen or twenty minutes earlier than normal for a week and repeat this process for a few more days at a 15-minute delay, and so on, until you achieve the time you want to be in bed.

  1. Create a Morning Routine

This is also how to become a morning person. Now that you've committed to getting up at 6-6:30 in the morning, the question becomes: how will you spend your precious spare time? The way each person starts their day is unique. Since you've already decided to get up earlier than usual, the next step is to figure out what works for you and brings you joy. 

Others find that writing in a journal, meditating or working out first thing in the morning are more to their liking. Whatever it is that motivates you to get out of bed each morning, it is your routine, and it should reflect your individuality. Try your hand at making something that can last for a long time. Afterwards, implement it into your morning routine.


To become a morning person, you have to learn to adjust your sleeping schedule one night at a time, create a consistent routine, and a healthy sleep hygiene. Another helpful tip to adopt is to incorporate stimulating activities and stick to a breakfast routine. With time and grit, you will have stories of success to tell. 
