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How Corporate Stress Causes Mental Health Issues

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By Augustine Mbam - - 5 Mins Read
The strenuous corporate life has been the subject of conversations amongst several circles, including mental health professionals, C-suite employees, and even the workforce. People have understood the harmful effects the lack of a healthy and conducive environment can cause. [caption id="attachment_15789" align="aligncenter" width="2560"] Photo by Josefa nDiaz on Unsplash[/caption] The topic has become more mainstream as mental health has become less taboo, and people are openly discussing the subject and having productive conversations around it. Let us give you an overview of the different factors contributing to corporate stress, how they lead to mental health issues, and what measures organizations are taking to reduce it.

Factors Causing Corporate Stress

Several facets and scenarios in a person’s work life can potentially cause mental health problems for an employee. A few of those scenarios include.  
  • Organization Culture
  • Management Practice
  • Demands from the Job
  • Physical Environment
  • Work Relationships
  These are some of the most common scenarios that contribute to mental health challenges if not maintained well. Issues within these factors can manifest in the form of.  
  • Long Hours, Impractical Timelines, and Heavy Workload
  • Bad Management, Lack of Autonomy, and Lack of Job Security
  • Discrimination, Poor Workplace Relationships, and Harassment
  Besides these, other challenges include insufficient skills, lack of financial benefits, inability to feel self-actualized, and more. These are some of the most common causes of mental health challenges.

Symptoms of Work Stress and Mental Health Challenges

Work stress and its effect on mental health can manifest in multiple ways. Several symptoms can point to mental health issues. These symptoms can be classified into three different categories and are listed as follows:

Physical Symptoms

  • People feel exhausted, lack energy, or feel fatigued.
  • They have constant headaches and start losing sleep, leading to insomnia in severe conditions.
  • Besides these, people can also suffer gastrointestinal, dermatological, and cardiovascular issues.

Psychological and Behavioral Symptoms

  • People start feeling anxious about their different tasks, no matter how big or small.
  • At times, people also start showing signs of mild depression, the intensity of which can increase and lead to higher levels.
  • Lack of focus or concentration and a general overwhelmed feeling starts surfacing.
  These psychological symptoms are reflected in people’s behaviors, and you’ll generally notice the following:  
  • A pessimistic outlook on things is more apparent in any situation.
  • People tend to get angry, aggressive, irritable, and have mood swings.
  • One can also see a reduction in the creativity and productivity of the person’s work.
  • The person tends to take more sick days and keeps themselves isolated.
  These signs could mean that people are going through work stress and might have mental health issues. Even if these are not severe, one needs to pay attention and get themselves checked to prevent these issues from progressing.   Although corporate functioning has issues and setbacks, the recent discussions about the topic have spread awareness amongst many employers, and they have begun taking necessary measures to ensure their employees' better physical and mental health.

How Corporate Organizations Tackle Mental Health Challenges

[caption id="attachment_15790" align="aligncenter" width="1920"] Image by Werner Heiber from Pixabay[/caption] According to an American Psychology Association report, about 71% of employees thought their employers were more concerned about their mental health than before. 81% of workers mention that the employers’ concern over employee mental health will be one of the key factors while looking for a job.      Employers are starting to understand the gravity of the problems their workers face. To begin with, several companies offer support by having flexible work hours, remote/hybrid work structures, a work culture that understands and abides by the concept of time-offs, and more.   Besides this, there will also be facilities for wellness programs that can help employees have a better work life. These programs could spread awareness and build a safe space within the office, which could lead to the destigmatization of mental health and more open discussions.   Employers are also looking to employ therapists, counselors, and professionals who can be available during office hours to help employees anytime they need it and in an emergency. Above and beyond this, employers are also looking at 4-day work-weeks as a possibility to increase the productivity of the people.


Overall, this is an overview of how corporate stress can affect mental health and what’s being done to tackle it. While we are in the nascent stages, most organizations are moving in the right direction.