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Best Home Remedies for Stomach Pain

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By Olumide Akinlaja - - 5 Mins Read
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Woman suffering from stomach pain | Pexels

Do you occasionally experience stomach pain? You're not alone. Stomach pain could result from various causes like stress, diet, or even grievous causes like colon cancer and Celiac Disease.

Perhaps an important thing to note about how to get rid of stomach aches is that most stomach pains are easily treatable at home. Persistent symptoms suggest you might need medical care. But occasional stomach aches don't need you calling 911 over your health since the pains can give way to one or some of the best home remedies for stomach pain suggested here.

How to Get Rid of Stomach Ache at Home

Stomach aches can show up at the oddest hours, including at night. Whether it's you or a loved one who occasionally develops stomach aches at night or some other time, follow these steps on how to stop stomach pain at night or any other time of the day for a surefire DIY treatment.

Take Peppermint

Peppermint contains menthol that has served as a natural pain reliever for reducing stomach problems for hundreds of years. Consider chewing on mint gum, sucking on a peppermint candy, or taking peppermint in tea to cure stomach ache.

Consume Some Apple Cider Vinegar

Apple cider vinegar is far from delicious, but an endured tablespoon can help neutralize your upset stomach. The acids within it could help reduce starch digestion and maintain healthy bacteria in the gut. Perhaps you might want to mix it with a cup of water and a teaspoon of honey for easy dosage.

Eat Some Ginger

Ginger has been a stomach ache reliever for centuries, thanks to its natural anti-inflammatory qualities. Try consuming ginger in various forms - candy, capsules, or tea - or use fresh ginger root for maximal results when you need to get rid of stomach aches.

Drink Water

Dehydration can cause bloating due to electrolyte imbalances or halt digestion and cause constipation. Drinking water or fluids might cure the cause of a stomach ache as your GI tract returns to smooth operations. Whenever you're in doubt about what to do, drink fluids.


Exercises like walking, cycling, and gentle stretching can help deal with stomach aches. For a start, you could twist your back while sitting on your feet to relieve gas pains.

Apply Heat

If any of the above doesn't work or you'd prefer this route, how about putting a heating pad or hot towel on your abdomen? The heat could help relax your muscles and relieve cramping. Also, try a hot shower or bath using Epsom salts.


Stomach aches are some of the common disturbances anyone can experience. The good news is, mild stomach pains can be treated at home. Studies have shown that occasional stomach aches can readily give way to any of the best remedies for stomach aches discussed in this DIY guide. Remember, whenever you're in doubt, take fluids.
