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Benefits of Cold Water Swimming

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By Rebecca Obolo - - 5 Mins Read
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A lady swimming in cold water | Pixabay

Want to push your body to its limits? Looking for a worthy challenge that’ll shake you to your core and break you? Cold water swimming is an adventure worth adding to your bucket list.

With immense physical and mental benefits, you don’t want to miss out on unlocking a new version of you, like a phoenix rising from its ashes. Here is a summary of all the useful benefits of cold water swimming.

It Improves Your Immunity

If you have a weakened immune system, your body has a hard time making white blood cells or activating it when it’s needed. 

When you subject your body to such low temperatures, there is a natural boost in your immune cells, which makes it easier for your body to fight against infections and illnesses. Aside from the obvious health benefits, cold water swimming also provides an opportunity to move past your current skill or fitness level.

It Gives You a Natural High

Endorphins are chemicals released during exercise that are natural painkillers and can greatly improve your mood.

In cold water, your body experiences stress, which triggers the release of these endorphins, which would leave you with a feeling of euphoria or a natural high. People suffering from depression can also engage in this type of exercise, as it’ll leave you with a sense of purpose and joy.

It Improves Blood Circulation

Since your body is in an environment that is extremely cold, this swimming routine throws your body off its natural balance, so your body needs to adjust to cushion the cold by sending a response known as vasoconstriction to keep your organs warm and reduce blood flow to your hands and legs.

When you leave the cold water, your body then goes through vasodilation, increasing blood flow to your extremities, which is great to improve blood circulation. If you do this enough times, you will train your body to tolerate extreme temperatures.

It Increases Libido

Having low sexual urges? A short swim in cold water can boost your libido. This exercise increases the production of reproductive hormones, like estrogen and testosterone, which peak after a cold water swim, leaving you in the mood for some bedroom action with improved confidence.

It Helps With Weight Control

As your body tries to fight against the initial stress of being in cold temperatures, it will have to do a lot of work to maintain a balance between the external environment and the internal body environment.

As such, your body tries to convert fats and carbohydrates into energy to increase body heat. If you’re trying to lose weight, immersing yourself in cold water will help you burn excess calories.

It Reduces Stress Levels

Feeling stressed? Go for a dive in cold water. This singular activity can have a huge beneficial effect on reducing stress levels. Many research studies have found a correlation between cold water swimming and lowered stress levels

People who frequently engage in a cold swim workout have reported that they were calmer and felt more clear headed after, building better resilience over time.

Cold Water Swimming Tips

To get started with this activity and reap optimal results, it is important to be aware of the following cold water swimming tips.

  1. Begin with a short duration before gradually increasing it to allow your body to acclimatize over time.
  2. Do a stretching warm-up to increase your body temperature a bit before entering the water.
  3. Purchase appropriate swimming gear that will help you retain the most heat.
  4. When you dive into cold water, your breathing would naturally increase. To stay calm and in control, take deep breaths.
  5. Let someone know you’re going for a swim, especially if you’re going alone. Also, if you notice signs of hypothermia like excessive shivering and numbness, especially in the extremities, let the people close to you know.


There are several benefits of cold water swimming for individuals who practice it. It helps your body tolerate discomfort, reduces anxiety, and improves blood circulation and immune response. Additionally, it's a great way to network with like-minded individuals.

Although this activity might seem daunting if you have never tried it, the good news is that it holds great rewards as you engage in it consistently over time. Please follow the cold water swimming tips provided in this article to reap the required rewards and remain in control throughout the activity.
