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5 Signs You are Eating Too Much Sugar

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By Olumide Akinlaja - - 5 Mins Read
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Cubes of sugar | Pixabay

Not all sugar is bad for you. For instance, the fructose you get from eating fruits is good for your health as long as you’re eating the pulp. What you should avoid is added sugar— anything you add to meals to make them sweeter, including honey, sweeteners, and table sugars.

There are many ways you could be eating sugar that you probably don't know. The average American teenager eats about 17 teaspoons (roughly 270 calories) of sugar per day, which is two times more than the recommended intake of 6-9 teaspoons per day.

The truth is, you may not be aware of how much sugar you consume, and this means you will probably not know if your daily sugar intake is detrimental to your health. To ensure you stay on top of things, this article provides five warning signs that you are consuming too much sugar.

You're Gaining Weight, But You're Always Hungry

Added sugars are high in calories, and they won't fill you up— soda doesn't sate hunger, and adding sweeteners to your meal doesn't increase your food portion. If you're consuming a lot of these calories, your body will burn through sugar quickly, leaving you hungry within a short time after eating. This will in turn lead to overconsumption, which will eventually lead to weight gain.  

You Always Crave Sweets

Sweet cravings are your body's way of telling you it may be addicted to sugar. Research has shown that eating sugar triggers our dopamine, also called the happy hormone. It's why you get a sugar rush after eating loads of cookies at your grandmother's. And while this isn't bad, a rise in the dopamine level will increase your body's craving for sugary treats. If you're craving sweets too often, consider cutting down your sugar intake.

Colorful Candies | Pixabay

You Have a Hard Time Concentrating 

Brain fog is one of the warning signs you are eating too much sugar. If you find it hard to concentrate in school, at work, or even doing a task as mundane as cleaning your home, you're probably eating more sugar than you should. If you notice this, we advise that you replace your sugary treats with low glycemic index, like whole grains and vegetables.

You're Always Thirsty

Water is great, but too much water consumption could mean you're eating too much sugar. High sugar intake can increase your blood sugar levels and prompt your kidneys to produce more urine to flush excess glucose out. This would make you pee more frequently, which can leave you dehydrated. We recommend that you do not drink your sugar— opt for water instead. You can add natural flavors like lemon or lime if you don't want to drink plain water. 

You Spot More Acne

Plenty of sugar intake is bound to spike insulin resistance, which can, in turn, cause an outbreak on your skin. Simple carbohydrates, like bread, soda, and refined sugar, are known to spike insulin levels. So, if you're battling acne, consider cutting back on the amount of sugar you consume.

Final Thoughts

Sugars pack quite a lot of health benefits, but consuming them too much can also be detrimental to your overall health. The secret is to consume sugar in the right proportion as recommended by nutritionists and medical personnel. For people who are already eating too much sugar, this article has provided you with five (5) signs indicating you might be consuming it too much. We hope this will help you to prioritize your glucose intake in order to improve your overall health
