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Taking This Vaccine Could Reduce the Risk of Parkinson’s Disease

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By Christian Webster - - 5 Mins Read
Old lady gets a vaccine
Featured Photo | CDC/Unsplash


There seems to be some progress in the research on Parkinson’s disease.

Researchers have found that individuals who received a tetanus vaccine experienced a significant decrease in the disease's incidence.

The period before and after vaccination showed an improvement in the Parkinson's rate.

While this study may not be sufficient to prove a complete cure for the disease, it is still encouraging to learn about a potential correlation between the two.

An adult human is advised to get the tetanus vaccine every 10 years to prevent tetanus, which causes a painful tightening of the muscles and may lead to death if not treated immediately. This new research gives insight into the benefits of the vaccine. 

Parkinson’s Disease - Signs & Symptoms 

Parkinson’s disease is a medical condition that alters movement - patients' nerve cells will not produce enough dopamine, and this will cause difficulty and restrain movement a great deal.

A medical practitioner offering advice to an elderly couple

Photo | Drazen Zigic/Shutterstock

The cause of this condition is still uncertain, but studies try to assume that it may be caused mainly by hereditary genes or harmful chemicals in the environment. 

Signs & Symptoms

Parkinson’s Disease starts by affecting a part of the body and gradually spreads through the entire body, stiffening it.

If you notice most or all of these signs in your body, you might need to visit your doctor for accurate diagnosis. 


1)Stiff arms, trunk and legs


2)Slow movement 


3)Incoordination and Imbalance


4)Trembling legs, arms, jaw, hand and face


As the signs persist, patients experience great difficulty walking, talking, chewing, swallowing, and generally being mobile.

The diagnosis of Parkinson's Disease can be challenging as there is no definitive test to accurately confirm the condition.

Medical professionals often rely on the patient's medical history and neurological examination to make a diagnosis.

Patients with Parkinson's Disease may experience symptoms such as insomnia and depression.

For an accurate diagnosis, it is best to visit a hospital for evaluation.

The Unconfirmed Link Between Parkinson’s Disease & The Tetanus Vaccine 

Research carried out by scientists at Leumit Research Institute, Israel, showed that 1,446 patients, consisting of middle-aged and elderly (ages 45 -75), were diagnosed with Parkinson’s disease. 1.6% of the patients had received the tetanus vaccine before the diagnosis, and 3.2% had yet to get the vaccine.

The study discovered that the group that had received the vaccine prior experienced a 50% decrease in the risk of Parkinson’s and up to 0% after two years.

However, 15 years later, there was no difference between the vaccinated and unvaccinated groups anymore. The authors of the paper speculated that this might have happened as a result of the tetanus bacteria being linked to Parkinson’s disease and since the vaccine naturally prevents tetanus, it may also be able to reduce the risk of PD.

While these findings are still being reviewed carefully, one thing seems certain—the tetanus bacteria are being linked to Parkinson’s disease.

Although it might be too early to conclusively report that the tetanus vaccine will prevent the disease, the research has shown that there might be headway in preventing the infection by the bacteria.

We must not quickly discard the importance of the tetanus vaccine in the future if it is effective.
